Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Undocumented Matlab

I'm not writing here nearly as often as I'd like, but as the theme of the latest few posts has been Matlab I thought it would be appropriate to continue in the same fashion.

I came across a very interesting blog about undocumented Matlab functions. It has all sort of tips and tricks: for example, did you know you can have Matlab to run using a more recent JVM? No? Me neither. (But there are very few reasons why anyone would want to do it.) Or, did you know you can force Matlab to use a new (still beta) version of the handle graphics (i.e., the component that draws the plots)? No? I had no idea either. This could be useful as the new graphics look a lot better than the usual ones.

Well, I've given you the source of all that, so dive in and enjoy...